About me

Hello there, I'm Jack a Junior Gameplay Programmer at Free Radical Design with 2 years of experience in industry and 3 years of experience total with Unreal Engine 4 & 5. In 2020, I proudly earned my Master of Computing degree with Distinction from De Montfort University, supported by an academic scholarship. I am looking for opportunities which will allows me to continue to utilise my constantly improving skills.

I think it's pretty obvious my passion is computer games otherwise I wouldn't want to make them. I enjoy playing game's such as Escape from Tarkov, Call of Duty DMZ, Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077. My favourite franchise would have to be Halo as those were the games that made me want to make games as well as play them. I have also built a computer from just base components which was a nice challenge, that deepened my understanding of the hardware aspects of computing.

Whilst studying at De Montfort I joined the American Football Team as a Defensive lineman, this was a great way to unwind and be part of a team all working towards the same goal. My final year of playing for the team I was a player coach teaching the new players in my position and we won our divisional title that year as well. I play less now, but I still watch the NFL season and playoffs.

When I’m not playing games or watching American football. I enjoy anime such as Attack on Titan and Cyberpunk Edge Runners. These also help me unwind after a stressful day of debugging those ones and zeros.



  1. Junior Gameplay Programmer - Free Radical Design

    Nov. 2021 — Dec. 2023

    I set up and implemented Epic Online Service for an Unreal project using Epics online subsystems plugins and continue to maintain it along with submitting fixes to epic as well. I also worked on various gameplay systems, including the lobby both UI and underlying code where I was able to help create our own replication system using EOS, melee which involved using gameplay ability system and gameplay targeting, and work with asset manager to use async loading and primary asset bundles. Additionally, I’ve addressed bugs throughout the code base and tracked them using Jira.

    Skills Used:

    UE4, UE5, C++, JSON, Unreal Blueprints, EOS, Online Subsystems, UX, UI, Jira, PS5, Perforce

  2. Game Developer - Willow Communications

    Sep. 2020 — Aug. 2021

    I created skill-based games using Unreal engine for their event platform these games are networked to other systems on their event platform, which is utilized in holiday parks and bingo halls across the nation. I also develop applications to assist with task automation and other useful functionalities. My role involves solving bugs and developing add-ons for existing software. Additionally, I assisted customers through the company's helpdesk.

    Skills Used:

    VB.Net, PHP, SQL, XML, JSON, UE4, Unreal Blueprints, C++, CSS, HTML

  3. Undergraduate Position – Novacroft

    Jun. 2017 — Sep. 2017

    Researching Charities for a project that the company was working on. This included all the laws regarding charities and the charity commission. At the end of my time there I also gave recommendations for charities to be approached for the program.

    Skills Used:


  4. Undergraduate Position – Novacroft

    Jul. 2016 — Sep. 2016

    Researching Charities for a project that the company was working on. This included all the laws regarding charities and the charity commission. At the end of my time there I also gave recommendations for charities to be approached for the program.

    Skills Used:

    Gamification, QA


  1. De Montfort University - Masters in Computing

    2018 — 2020

    Distinction (73%)

  2. De Montfort University - Computer Games Programming

    2006 — 2007

    Second Class Honours, Upper Division (2:1)

  3. De Montfort University - Foundation Year in Computing

    2002 — 2004


  4. Caroline Chisholm School

    2002 — 2004

    A-Level: Computing, Maths, Physics, Extended Project

    AS Level: Drama

    GCSEs: 10 GCSEs ranging from B to C including English, Maths and Science


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